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Thursday June 2 - #FlyingTheCoop

Thursday June 2 - #FlyingTheCoop

Thursday’s theme is about change. When is it time to pivot and “Fly The Coop”? What motivated you to take the leap to go after your passion? What's something bird related that you've always wanted to try to challenge yourself with? Whether it's learning bird songs, bird banding, traveling to see more birds, making a bird focused career change, or exploring research? How have birds helped you escape your daily routine?

8 AM EDT - Bird Walk Bahamas with Giselle Deane, Bahamas National Trust IG Livestream

5 PM EDT - A Conversation with Jerome Ford, Assistant Director of the Migratory Birds Program View Live Recording

8 PM EDT - Defeating Dyslexia: From Teacher to Photographer View Live Recording

June 1

Wednesday June 1 - #DayOfRoost

June 3

Friday June 3 - #AsTheCrowFlies